Austin, Texas (2015)
Austin, Texas (2015)
Slider Buildings Slider Buildings
US Building Footprints
184 + million properties

Precisely Mapped Structures with Addresses
Austin, Texas (2015)
Austin, Texas (2015)
Slider Buildings Slider Buildings
US Building Footprints
184 + million properties

Precisely Mapped Structures with Addresses

Enhance your location intelligence with accurate building polygons.

Improve Risk Selection, Pricing and Modeling Results with Building Footprints

At EarthDefine, we understand that close enough is not good enough.

In order for Property & Casualty insurance carriers to accurately assess and price property risk, it all starts with being able to identify the precise location of a policy.

In the past, insurance carriers relied upon street interpolated address points or parcel-level geocoding in order to assess and price risk.

These geocoding methods would take an address, then use address interpolation to try and predict where an address fell on a street segment or parcel.

rooftop accurate vs interpolated geocoding

As you can see from the image above, these methods of geocoding can lead to improper address placement, which can quickly lead to inaccuracies when assessing flood zones, storm surge, rating territories, protection class, crime, hail, wildfire and more.

Using building footprints, insurers now have the ability to enter an address and identify the exact location of a structure within a parcel boundary. This is true rooftop geocoding!

The example below shows how building footprints outline specific buildings within a parcel boundary.

houston parcels overlaid on building footprints

With building footprints, property insurers now have a way to identify the exact location of a policy’s address and corresponding buildings within a parcel.

Interested in a free evaluation of your location data accuracy?

Check Location Accuracy

Benefits of Using Building Footprints in Property & Casualty Insurance

The benefits of rooftop geocoding can felt throughout the P&C property insurance lifecycle from quoting all the way through claims response. Examples include:

  • Reduce post bind adjustments by identifying the correct location during the time of quote
  • Improve underwriting accuracy by assessing the true impact of flood, wildfire, hail, wind, crime, etc., on each structure within a parcel boundary
  • Gain additional insights by measuring the distance between buildings, distance to coastline & inlets, distance to fire hydrant and more
  • Reduce underwriting leakage and underinsurance by identifying the precise location of each structure within a parcel boundary
  • Understand the impact of severe weather events at the address level to proactively communicate with policyholders before first notice of loss (FNOL)
  • Reduce fraudulent claims payouts by validating addresses during FNOL
  • Improve the accuracy of catastrophe modeling and predictive analytics by determining the correct location of an address

Over 156 Million Building Footprints and Counting…

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We’re Data Creators, Not Aggregators

Most building footprint providers focus on aggregating public and private building footprint information. EarthDefine is different. Our focus is on generating building footprints by using artificial intelligence (AI) and the latest aerial and lidar imagery.

To provide the most accurate footprints possible, we are continually training our AI to refine and capture precise structure boundaries. With each building footprint, EarthDefine will return:

  • Latitude/Longitude
  • Address
  • City, State & Zip

Along with our building footprints, EarthDefine can also generate the following information on-demand for our customers:

  • Building & Eave Height
  • Ground Elevation
  • Building Change Detection
  • Roof Shape
  • US Tree Map
  • Swimming Pools
  • Parking Lots
  • Land Cover

Gain Additional Insights by Merging Assessors’ Data with our Building Footprints

Are you looking to gain more insights into buildings and properties? If so, we can merge assessors’ data into our building footprints to link vital building characteristics, such as year built, square footage, number of stories, ownership and much more.

Help Us, Help You

Tell us your problem and we will try and help you to solve it! For more information about our building footprints and other property attributes, contact EarthDefine at or call us at 1.800.579.5916.


EarthDefine US Building Footprints Coverage


Houston, Texas Building Footprints

Technical Specifications
SourceHigh-resolution Imagery/Lidar
Horizontal accuracy of the source imagery+/- 6 meter CE95 or better

Evaluate Building Footprints

Contact Us

Phone: 1.800.579.5916

Do you need to map building footprints off your in-house imagery? We can customize our algorithms to enable rapid building footprint extraction from your proprietary data.

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